
preparing and displaying

Once your insect has died its use as a scientific specimen has not ended. It can be dried and properly prepared for exhibiting. Once the insect dies pin it on a piece of cardboard as shown on the right with its wings extended and its legs properly positioned. Then place it in a Frost Free freezer for a few weeks to dry it out. This way your insect will not deteriorate in the heat or humidity.
Insects that are allowed to dry in normal room conditions deteriorate in colour and texture. By freezing the insect most of the colour and texture are perfectly preserved.

Due to their enormous size displays of stick insects are usually very impressive.

Once the specimen is dried place it in a box as shown above. A clear plastic cover is highly recommended if you wish to keep the insect in good condition for any length of time.

Boxes of the right size are not always available so you may have to cut and fold your own.

To protect the insect from damage glue its abdomen and legs to the cardboard.

Even after careful attention the abdomen may change colour. If this occurs you may wish to paint it as realistically as you can with water colours.

Always label the display with the date the insect was prepared, the scientific name and the area from which it came from. You may wish to recreate its natural environment in the display.

Pin the  insect on cardboard before placing in the in a Frost Free Freezer compartment.
Home of stick insects